The Meadows Model

Our proprietary treatment approach

The Foundation of All We Do

The Meadows Model is a groundbreaking approach based on the pioneering work of Meadows Senior Fellow Pia Mellody. It’s at the core of our treatment program and all we do here at the Claudia Black Center for Young Adults.

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Pia Mellody

A Forward-Thinking Model, A Legacy of Healing

Created by our own Pia Mellody, one of the preeminent authorities in the fields of addiction and relationships, The Meadows Model is based on her Developmental Model of Immaturity. In the 1970s while working at The Meadows, Mellody found that she was encountering an increasing number of patients who identified less-than-nurturing, abusive family systems in their childhood, which led to adulthood behaviors of codependency. The codependency patterns translated into addictions, mood disorders and physical illness. Mellody’s continued work with patients led to the conclusion that the trauma at the root of these codependency issues needed to be addressed in order to achieve lasting recovery. Thus, the Meadows Model was born.

A Model for Young Adults

Our treatment staff utilizes The Meadows Model that entails:

Developmental History – A patient’s developmental history is used to track emotional development.

Emotional State – One of our therapists assesses whether a patient’s emotional state is less than optimal.

Patient Actions – The therapist then identifies patient actions that create unmanageability and relational problems.

Younger Ego – Patients learn to identify when they are “activated” or “triggered” into younger ego states.

Residual Energy – Patients learn that in the present they experience “residual energy” from the past.

Born Valuable – Patients learn that everyone is born valuable, vulnerable, imperfect, dependent, spontaneous, and open.

Gain Tools – Patients gain tools to track progress and develop the vocabulary to describe emotions.

Increased Resiliency – Increased resiliency allows for availability of relationships, living in the here and now, exploring options, understanding choices, and creating stability.

Today, we continue to see unresolved trauma and other issues from childhood that result in behaviors of codependency as they grow up. This past pain impacts present-day happiness, and these issues translate into addictions, mood disorders, and physical illness. By addressing the trauma at the root, young adults in our program are able to achieve not just temporary relief but lasting recovery.


Our experienced, compassionate Admissions team is here to help 24 hours a day and will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. Let our specialists help you create a road map to get you where you want to go: a healthier, more balanced, fulfilling place in life. When you call, you’ll be led through a series of questions to determine if the Claudia Black Young Adult Center is the right fit for your needs, and how soon your treatment can begin.

If you are interested in treatment for yourself or a loved one, call or fill out our convenient Admissions form!




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