Mental Health

Health in any area is dependent on health in every area

You’re More Than Just a Diagnosis

When seeking treatment, it’s natural that you want to focus on the obvious problem. Whether that’s drug or alcohol addiction, emotional trauma, PTSD, or something else, these conditions are often intertwined with mental health issues. By also addressing any co-occurring conditions – from anxiety and depression to bipolar disorder and ADHD — we can help decrease your risk of relapse and increase the likelihood of long-term recovery.

Young adults in group


In young adults with ADHD, executive functioning is often underdeveloped, leading to problems with time management, organization, self-regulation, judgment skills, decision-making, and impulse control. When undiagnosed, this can put them at a higher risk for developing other issues such as depression or anxiety and makes them more likely to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol.



All panic and anxiety disorders share the common symptom of excited, intense, and enduring fear or concern in circumstances where a person typically wouldn’t feel scared or worried. Individuals suffering from anxiety disorders often experience intense, sustained anxiety and nervousness while those with a panic disorder find themselves dealing with recurring, unpredicted panic attacks.


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, previously referred to as manic depression, is a serious psychological condition that causes individuals to experience extreme shifts in mood, attitude, behavior, and energy. Sufferers of bipolar disorder experience manic highs and depressive lows which can last for prolonged periods of time. Many young adults with this condition go undiagnosed, resulting in additional issues.

Bipolar disorder


Often expressed as persistent unhappiness, hopelessness, a loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or oversleeping, fatigue, and anxiety, depression can seriously impact a person’s quality of life. The cause may be a combination of factors including genetics, trauma, or hormonal shifts. Severe depression can become debilitating if not professionally treated.


Dual Diagnosis

A high percentage of those dealing with addiction also have at least one co-occurring mental health disorder, and these untreated issues can threaten sobriety and hinder recovery. When it comes to a “dual diagnosis,” one issue exacerbates the other. That’s why integrated treatment that addresses both conditions in the same setting concurrently offers the best chance of long-term recovery.

Dual Diagnosis


Hurting yourself — or thinking about hurting yourself — isn’t really about causing pain (that’s just a side effect). It’s actually a sign of emotional distress. And it’s important to know that self-harm is not a mental illness, it’s a behavior that indicates a need for better coping skills. Many who self-harm say they find the behavior to be a form or release. But while it may initially offer some relief, uncomfortable emotions can grow more intense if someone continues to use self-harm as a coping mechanism.

Self-harm and young adults

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Why Self-Harm is Happening Earlier and More Often

We’re living in stressful times, and unfortunately, children and teens are not immune to the challenges we are facing in the world today. Young people are dealing with more stress, anxiety, and depression than ever before, and it leaves many of them seeking ways to cope.

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Our experienced, compassionate Admissions team is here to help 24 hours a day and will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. Let our specialists help you create a road map to get you where you want to go: a healthier, more balanced, fulfilling place in life. When you call, you’ll be led through a series of questions to determine if the Claudia Black Young Adult Center is the right fit for your needs, and how soon your treatment can begin.

If you are interested in treatment for yourself or a loved one, call or fill out our convenient Admissions form!




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